
Have you ever walked into an arcade and marveled at the flashing lights, the sound effects, and the seemingly magical way that the machines work? If so, you’re not alone. For many of us, arcade machines are the epitome of technology working well – they’re fun, immersive, and they feel almost like magic.

But what makes arcade machines feel like magic? Part of it is the sheer amount of technology that goes into them. From the complex algorithms that drive the games to the intricate mechanics that control the physical movements of the machines, there’s a lot happening behind the scenes.

But the real magic comes from how seamlessly all of this technology comes together. When you drop a coin into an arcade machine and start playing, you’re not thinking about the millions of lines of code that are running in the background. You’re not worried about the intricate mechanics that are keeping the machine running smoothly. All you’re thinking about is the game itself – and that’s exactly how it should be.

The fact that we can enjoy arcade machines without having to think about the underlying technology is a testament to how well that technology is working. It’s the same way with any other technology that we use on a daily basis – when it works well, we don’t even realize it’s there.

Of course, this doesn’t mean that there aren’t challenges when it comes to technology. There are always going to be bugs, glitches, and other issues that need to be addressed. But when technology is working well, it’s indistinguishable from magic – and that’s something we should all be grateful for.

Emulating retro games on a Raspberry Pi and using an FPGA like the MiSTer both have their advantages and disadvantages. In this blog post, we’ll explore the differences between the two approaches and why the MiSTer FPGA may be the better choice for some users.

One major difference between the Raspberry Pi and the MiSTer is the hardware they use to run the emulators. The Raspberry Pi is a small, low-cost computer that uses a traditional CPU (central processing unit) to run emulators and play games. The MiSTer, on the other hand, uses an FPGA (field-programmable gate array) to recreate the hardware of classic gaming systems like the Nintendo Entertainment System (NES) or Sega Genesis.

One advantage of using an FPGA like the MiSTer is that it can be more accurate and faithful to the original hardware. Because the MiSTer uses actual hardware components to recreate the original system, it can more accurately replicate the behavior and performance of the original hardware. This can be especially important for users who are looking to play games as they were originally intended, without any compromises in performance.

Another advantage of the MiSTer is that it can be more easily expanded and customized. The FPGA used in the MiSTer can be reprogrammed to add new features and support for additional systems, making it a more flexible platform for retro gaming. In contrast, the Raspberry Pi is a more closed system that can be more difficult to modify and expand.

However, the Raspberry Pi does have some advantages over the MiSTer. One major advantage is that it is significantly cheaper and easier to set up. The Raspberry Pi is a complete computer with a variety of ports and connectivity options, making it a convenient choice for users who want a quick and easy way to start playing retro games. In contrast, the MiSTer requires a separate computer monitor and input devices like a keyboard or game controller, and may require additional hardware like a USB hub or audio amplifier.

Another advantage of the Raspberry Pi is that it is more widely supported and has a larger community of users. The Raspberry Pi is a well-established platform with a large user base, which means there are a wide variety of resources available for users who need help setting up or troubleshooting their systems. In contrast, the MiSTer is a more niche platform with a smaller community of users, which may make it more difficult to find help and support when needed.

Ultimately, the choice between the Raspberry Pi and the MiSTer will depend on the individual needs and preferences of the user. The Raspberry Pi is a more affordable and convenient choice for users who want a quick and easy way to start playing retro games, while the MiSTer is a more accurate and customizable platform that may be better suited for users who want a more faithful recreation of the original hardware.

The Motorola 68000 is a microprocessor that was widely used in a variety of computer systems and game consoles in the 1980s and 1990s. Some of the most popular systems that used the 68000 include the Apple Macintosh, the Commodore Amiga, and the Sega Genesis.

As a result of its widespread use, the 68000 has become a popular target for emulation on FPGAs (Field Programmable Gate Arrays). One way that developers have been able to recreate these systems on an FPGA is by reverse engineering the chip. This involves studying the chip’s hardware and software in detail to understand how it works and how it can be accurately represented on an FPGA.

To do this, developers often use programming languages such as Verilog and VHDL (VHSIC Hardware Description Language) to write code that accurately emulates the behavior of the Motorola 68000. These languages are commonly used to design and implement digital circuits on FPGAs, and they provide a powerful and flexible way to recreate the behavior of other chips and systems.

Once the code has been written, it can be compiled and loaded onto an FPGA like the Terasic DE-10 Nano, which is used in the MiSTer FPGA platform. The DE-10 Nano is a compact and powerful FPGA that is well-suited for emulation, and it has been used to recreate a wide range of computer systems and game consoles with a high level of accuracy.

Overall, the use of Verilog and VHDL to reverse engineer chips like the Motorola 68000 has made it possible to recreate popular systems like the Apple Macintosh, the Commodore Amiga, and the Sega Genesis on FPGAs like the Terasic DE-10 Nano with accuracy that is indistinguishable from the original hardware. This has allowed developers to recreate these classic systems and give fans of these systems a chance to experience them in a new and exciting way.

As technology advances, many of the integrated circuits (ICs) that were once used in classic arcade games are no longer being produced. This can make it difficult for enthusiasts and collectors to maintain and repair these beloved machines, as they may be unable to find replacement parts.

Enter Mister FPGA. Based on the Terasic DE-10 Nano, this field-programmable gate array (FPGA) is designed to replicate the functionality of discontinued ICs. This means that, with the help of MiSTer cores written using Verilog VHDL, it is possible to keep classic arcade games running without having to rely on scarce and often expensive original ICs.

But the importance of MiSTer goes beyond just preserving the classic arcade game experience. FPGAs can also be used to replicate the functionality of ICs that are no longer being produced in a variety of other industries, including aerospace, defense, and medical devices. This allows businesses to continue using and maintaining equipment that would otherwise be difficult or impossible to repair.

In short, MiSTer FPGA is an essential resource for those looking to keep classic arcade games and other equipment running, and for preserving our technological history. Without projects like MiSTer, many of the ICs that were once integral to our daily lives would be lost to time.

The Commodore Amiga is a beloved and iconic personal computer that was first released in 1985. It was known for its advanced graphics and sound capabilities, which made it a popular choice for gaming, music, and video production. In recent years, there has been a resurgence of interest in the Amiga, with many enthusiasts looking for ways to experience the computer’s software and games on modern hardware.

One solution that has gained popularity among Amiga fans is the MisterFPGA, a compact and affordable FPGA-based device that can be used to emulate the Amiga. An FPGA, or Field Programmable Gate Array, is a type of integrated circuit that can be programmed to mimic the behavior of other digital circuits. This makes it ideal for emulating older hardware, such as the Amiga, because it allows the user to run original Amiga software without the need for a physical Amiga computer.

There are several reasons why the MisterFPGA is a great option for emulating the Commodore Amiga. First, it is relatively small and portable, making it easy to take with you and use on the go. This is a big advantage over other emulation solutions, which can require a full-sized desktop computer or complex setup. The MisterFPGA is also affordable, with a price point that is accessible to most Amiga fans.

Another advantage of the MisterFPGA is its compatibility with a wide range of Amiga models and software. It is capable of emulating the Amiga 500, Amiga 1200, and Amiga 4000, as well as most of the popular Amiga software and games. This means that users can experience a wide range of Amiga software on the MisterFPGA, including classics like “Lemmings,” “Shadow of the Beast,” and “Turrican.”

In addition to its compatibility and affordability, the MisterFPGA also offers excellent performance. Its FPGA-based architecture allows it to run Amiga software at full speed, without any slowdowns or lag. This makes it a great option for playing games or using software that requires fast performance, such as music production or video editing.

Overall, the MisterFPGA is an excellent choice for anyone looking to experience the Commodore Amiga on modern hardware. Its compatibility, affordability, portability, and performance make it a great option for Amiga fans of all levels, from casual users to hardcore enthusiasts. If you’re looking to relive the glory days of the Amiga, the MisterFPGA is a great way to do it.

I decided to remove Apache 2.2 and go with 1.3. Why? Because I can. And because 1.3 is found on the majority of sites that run FreeBSD as their OS, and those are the sites that stay online the longest – high availability sites. Although I have no intentions of hosting my own webserver, I like to do stuff because I can.

cd /usr/ports/www/apache13-modssl
make install distclean

echo ‘apache_enable=”YES”‘ >> /etc/rc.conf
echo ‘apache_flags=”-DSSL”‘ >> /etc/rc.conf

cd ~
openssl genrsa -des3 -out server.key 1024
Must enter a pass phrase when prompted

openssl req -new -key server.key -out server.csr
Must also enter passphrase
Use servername for common name

openssl x509 -req -days 365 -in /root/server.csr -signkey /root/server.key -out /root/server.crt
Again, enter passphrase

cp ~/server.key /usr/local/etc/apache/ssl.key/
cp ~/server.crt /usr/local/etc/apache/ssl.crt/


/usr/local/sbin/apachectl startssl
Enter passphrase when prompted
Browse to webserver via http and https

Remove encryption:

cd /usr/local/etc/apache/ssl.key
cp server.key server.key.orig
openssl rsa -in server.key.orig -out server.key

Restart apache:

apachectl stop
apachectl startssl

No more passphrase, better keep that server secure!

Enabling SSL support in Apache is a breeze. Heres how I did it:

Create the certificate. As root:

openssl genrsa -des3 -out server.key 1024

Enter a passphrase when prompted. Don’t forget it.

Create the CSR:

openssl req -new -key server.key -out server.csr

Enter your passphrase when prompted, and make sure the CN matches your hosts FQDN.

Self-sign the cert with:

openssl x509 -req -days 365 -in /root/server.csr -signkey /root/server.key -out /root/server.crt

Now, copy the key and the cert to apache’s installation directory:

cp server.* /usr/local/etc/apache22

Make the files readable by root only:

chmod 0400 /usr/local/etc/apache22/server.*

Edit httpd.conf and uncomment the line that reads:

Include etc/apache22/extra/httpd-ssl.conf

Restart Apache:

apachectl restart

You will now be prompted for your passphrase. To remove the password from the cert, do:

cd /usr/local/etc/apache22
openssl rsa -in server.key -out server.key

Enter your passphrase one last time. Start (or restart) Apache:
apachectl restart

Point your web-browser at your server, accept the cert. Thats all!

Ok, now I’m beginning to understand the ports system a little better. Here is how I installed sudo:

as root:

cd /usr/ports/security/sudo
make install

When its done, still logged in as root do:

And add your user account to the # User privilege specification section as follows:


That pretty much gives you the keys to the kingdom. Log out and test your new sudo access with:

sudo ls /
Enter your password. Thats it!

Installing apache 2.2 on FreeBSD 6.1

So the next step was to install apache. Why? Because FreeBSD is known as the mack-daddy of all OS’s that host websites. Longest uptimes, best performance. So I decided to see what all the hype was about.

as root:

pkg_add -r apache22

When it was done installing, it told me I could make apache start at boot time by adding the line:


to my /etc/rc.conf

which I did, rebooted, then pointed a webbrowser to the machine, and got the message:

It works!

Which is exactly what we want.