
I hate Lotus Notes. It sucks.

That said, heres how to make it work on Ubuntu Feisty Fawn:

Since Edgy’s release /bin/sh has been symlinked to /bin/dash. To make the installer work correctly you need to link sh to bash. We will switch it back when we are done.

sudo ln -sf /bin/bash /bin/sh

Next, we need to create and set perms on the destination install dirs.

sudo mkdir -p /opt/downloads /opt/IBM/Workplace Managed Client
sudo chown $USER.$USER /opt/downloads
sudo chown $USER.$USER /opt/IBM/Workplace Managed Client

Download mozilla w/GTK2 bindings and place it in /usr/local/mozilla:

cd /opt/downloads
tar zxvf mozilla-i686-pc-linux-gnu-1.7.12-gtk2+xft.tar.gz
sudo mv mozilla /usr/local

Create the file /etc/gre.conf with the following inside:



Grab the client files. I have no idea where you can get these if you
don’t have a Notes administrator at your disposal. Luckily I do. If you
don’t, try a torrent site. The file should be called C93D1NA.zip. Put
it in your /opt/downloads dir.

unzip /opt/downloads/C93D1NA.zip -d notes
cd /opt/downloads/notes
unzip Personality.zip
chmod 755 setuplinux.bin setup_wct_platform.bin
cp setuplinux.bin updateSite/features/com.ibm.workplace.notesinstall.linux.feature_7.0.1.0000-0900/bin/linux

The setup wizard should run and install to the location we created
earlier. When its done it will start the client with 2 blank panes.
Exit now and create the following script in your home directory:



. $HOME/.bash_profile

/opt/IBM/Workplace Managed Client/rcp/richclient -personality com.ibm.workplace.noteswc.standalone.linux.personality

Make executable and replace the ‘target’ of the notes shortcut on your desktop to point to this script instead.

I had to copy my Notes ID from my Windows PC to the linux box, fill in
the deatils about my domino server, and I was in business!

Switch back the dash symlink.
sudo ln -sf /bin/bash /bin/dash

(Lotus Notes still sucks tho)